After working diligently on our Hootsuite content source app and Klipfolio integration, our dev team was excited to turn back to our own product and make some serious progress on our roadmap. This month, we launched some updates that we know will make a significant impact on both our team and our users in the long-term.

Make Better Topics with the Query Builder

Creating effective topics was one of our user’s biggest pain points, likely because our search algorithm operates differently from a Google search and users had a hard time articulating what they wanted to find in Boolean operator terms. We didn’t want to compromise the quality of results by moving to a broad search box, so we implemented a new Query Builder tool to help walk users through the steps it takes to create a strong search query. (Don’t worry, if you’re more advanced in Boolean operators, you can still enter your own query.)

For a step-by-step how-to, check out the tutorial video below:

Drill Down to Subtopics with a Faster and More Reliable Relevance Graph

Back in January, we released our biggest launch to date that included visualizations for both our Relevance and Influence sorting options. In this first phase of the Relevance Graph, we used a third-party provider to generate the topic clusters and allow our users to “drill down” to the subtopics they were most interested in. We were thrilled to hear such positive feedback from our users about the Relevance Graph, so we knew it was time for us to build the functionality ourselves.

By implementing our own visualization, the Relevance Graph is faster and more reliable and now we can address any issues that may come up in the future without having to contact another source.

To check it out, click on the Relevance sorting option and then click on the graph icon next to your topic. Here’s a preview of what to expect:

UpContent Relevance Graph

What’s Next in September and Beyond

Our product roadmap is filled with great projects that will take us well into 2017! Right now, we’re working on a topic gallery, our API and SDK, and data collection that will help us enhance the user’s experience even further. Stay tuned!

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