Your ambitions are noble. Your content is out-of-this-world fantastic. Everything’s perfect, right? It might be. But, are people reading your content? Can they find it?

Your Content Strategy

Answer this question. Your purpose for putting out a bunch of content is so you can… what?

  1. Make it look like you’re working hard (you are, right?)
  2. Make your site more visible
  3. Be useful to your audience
  4. Establish your brand as a thought leader

I’m willing to bet that you answered at least B, C or D, if not all of them. If you answered just A, well, have fun.

The purpose of content is typically three-fold:

These content goals are common, but they are 100% ineffective unless your content is getting read.

Are People Finding Your Content?

Distribution is just as important as creating the right kind of content for your audience. It goes without saying, but… if people don’t know your content exists, they are not going to read it.

Along with a content strategy, you need a robust distribution strategy as well. Here are 5 of the simpler ways you can distribute your content:

You spend a lot of time writing and editing to execute a good content strategy – do not give distribution the short end of the stick.

If you have questions or what to discuss any of these distribution methods in depth, I am happy to chat. Send me an email:


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